Saturday, June 5, 2010

NEW (real) Bone Art finished!!

if you're keeping up with my "planet Beenderen" series...4" X 4" wood plaques which are first painted and then a 'scene' from the Bone Planet is created....WELL, i've just finished another!!  this one's a little different. i painted 2 different deer vertebrae bones - one is a colorful tree - the other is the white-faced, red-eyed Beenderen Hawk...perched atop the tree. and like the other plaques, there are the wire moons in the sky!

this picture, taken from the side view,  shows the 3-D effect:

yes...i's all a little strange...weird...but i LOVE working with BONES!!
i have to let it completely cure for 24 hours after being sprayed with acrylic clear coat...then i'll be adding to my etsy ForestWalkArt shop!  :)

1 comment:

  1. So nice..i cant help..but adore it..can i have one..

    balloon delivery nj


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