one thing that's always kind of bothered me...
is when i see a sign...out there in the public...for all to see...
and a word is misspelled!
not that i'm perfect when it comes to spelling! I'M NOT.
BUT, if you're having a sign made...whether professionally or making
a hand-made sign yourself...
wouldn't you want to be sure all the words were spelled correctly?
i guess this all stems from my younger years...growing up with a father
who loved to hold a spelling bee every night at the dinner table!
i could spell 'antidisestablishmentarianism' before i could even pronounce it!
well, i do a lot of driving...and recently, have started taking pictures
of the misspelled signs i see.
IF YOU SEE a misspelled sign and want to add it to this page...
email it to me...say where sign is/was...and i'll give you credit for your picture!
IF YOU SEE a misspelled sign and want to add it to this page...
email it to me...say where sign is/was...and i'll give you credit for your picture!
i'll be adding as i see them! so check back. :)
Dinning?? i think they mean DINING!
(Waldo, FL)
Seperation? should be sepAration!
(Palatka, FL)
Kitshen? i think they mean their KITCHEN is now open!
(Gainesville, FL)
Air Conditioning company...but unless the owner's name is
Mr. ARTIC...i think they probably mean ARCTIC AIR...since it's cold in the arctic!
(Palatka, FL)
EXHOST? i have a feeling they do EXHAUST & muffler work!
(Palatka, FL)
'C' left out of ACEPTING = aCCepting
(produce stand, just south of Alachua, FL on Hwy441)
(at the same produce stand as previous picture.)
OK, so they sell collards, mustards...
and then they want you to TURNUP...what? the volume?
OH, they mean TURNIPS!
(produce stand, just south of Alachua, FL on Hwy441)
(at the same produce stand as previous picture.)
OK, so they sell collards, mustards...
and then they want you to TURNUP...what? the volume?
OH, they mean TURNIPS!
while browsing the phone book...looking for a local dentist...
i found this ad. i'm pretty sure the Dr is ACCEPTING new patients!!
the following picture was sent to me by Susan @ This n That blog
OOps! lucky thing we have that capability
of rewinding or backing up as we watch a show on tv.
because as soon as i saw was gone...
and i wasn't even sure if i had seen what i thought i saw!
so sam backed it up and sure enough...
PRESSURE is misspelled!
this was an email i received right around Halloween, 2011:
LOOSE = LOSE!! spell check won't work for this one because BOTH words
are spelled correctly. however, our florida parks are not LOOSE...but they are on the
chopping block and some parks may LOSE we might LOSE parks!
one weekend sam and i took a drive to lake george...looking for a place
to pick up some fresh blue crabs. along the way we passed a campground with this sign:
"LaundrOmat" is the correct spelling
we found a retail/wholesale place to get fresh crabs caught in lake george.
while we were there we also bought ONE DOZEN frozen soft shell crabs.
this is the box they came in:
these next two misspellings are courtesy of Alexia at dreaming of open seas!
she's a it's no wonder that she catches words that are misspelled...
along with grammatical errors!!
her post that includes these and a couple more:
while browsing the phone book...looking for a local dentist...
i found this ad. i'm pretty sure the Dr is ACCEPTING new patients!!
the following picture was sent to me by Susan @ This n That blog
she snapped this picture while looking for a place to PARALLEL park
in a little town called Nimmitabel,
which is in New South Wales, Australia!
thanks Susan! please visit her at This n That!!
well, after taking this picture...and doing a little research on the spelling of
ARCHAEOLOGY...i came to find out that ARCHEOLOGY is another...
although less used...acceptable way of spelling this word!
you can read about the history of this WORD at:
OOps! lucky thing we have that capability
of rewinding or backing up as we watch a show on tv.
because as soon as i saw was gone...
and i wasn't even sure if i had seen what i thought i saw!
so sam backed it up and sure enough...
PRESSURE is misspelled!
this was an email i received right around Halloween, 2011:
LOOSE = LOSE!! spell check won't work for this one because BOTH words
are spelled correctly. however, our florida parks are not LOOSE...but they are on the
chopping block and some parks may LOSE we might LOSE parks!
one weekend sam and i took a drive to lake george...looking for a place
to pick up some fresh blue crabs. along the way we passed a campground with this sign:
"LaundrOmat" is the correct spelling
we found a retail/wholesale place to get fresh crabs caught in lake george.
while we were there we also bought ONE DOZEN frozen soft shell crabs.
this is the box they came in:
these next two misspellings are courtesy of Alexia at dreaming of open seas!
she's a it's no wonder that she catches words that are misspelled...
along with grammatical errors!!
her post that includes these and a couple more:
OH YEAH! how could anyone pass up a farmhouse with extra PISSASS!! (pizzazz!!)
hmmm...i wonder if (variations of) the word LAUNDRY is one of the
most misspelled words!
thanks Alexia (from New Zealand)! (dreaming of open seas) :)
the next few signs are borrowed from Brian at Caring Palms Massage and Reiki.
to browse his SIGN page...go here:
it's hard to imagine that they misspelled breAkfast...after all,
it IS spelled correctly just above on the permanent sign. maybe they ran out of the letter A?
if that's the case...maybe they could have been a little creative
and used an upside down V and an I to cross it!!
and another...same iHop...yikes!
uh...maybe the person who lettered this sign was getting a little confused with the old
grammar saying..."I before E except in words like neighbor and weigh"!
it really amazes me...that out of all the employees... no one notices...
thanks Brian!
this next one isn't a's a grammatical error...
can you spot it?
"CAMERA'S" should not have an apostrophe. it's a apostrophe needed.
(this ICE machine is in Interlachen, FL)
this next one...i took a picture of the tv. it's amazing how many misspellings i see on the news.
does this mean the retailers are SAILING away? or their products are SAILING away?
or maybe they just mean SALES.
this sign was by the boat ramp at Alligator Park in Lake City, FL.
it truly amazes me when i see signs like this...out in a COUNTY PARK!!
i mean, how many people SAW and READ this sign before it was printed??
and then put in the ground??!! yikes!
so i wrote the Parks and Recreation people & told them about it.
supposedly they fixed it. i haven't been back to check.
hopefully they didn't just use a marker to insert a "R" on the sign!!
((for a FREE version of WordWeb for your here!
i use this all the time. it's a great program. just be sure you download the FREE version!))
i use this all the time. it's a great program. just be sure you download the FREE version!))
thanks for stopping by! more to come
stay cool. :] laura