this weekend we needed to take a break
working on the bathroom, laundry, raking winter's leaves, trimming dead limbs,
and all the other chores that fill up your time...when you're off work.
so while the burn barrel was smoldering
we put on our boots and headed out back...
wandering the well-worn paths.
well-worn by us...and all the other little critters that share the land.
milo follows us on our hikes...
making her way through the underbrush and climbing the downed trees.
at the edge of the wooded area we spotted the strangest
and coolest
looking caterpillar!
Catocala Badia |
look at those cute little legs!! and little pincers on it's tail end!
(underside) Catocala Badia |
i had no idea the name of this caterpillar.
after looking online and through my Butterfly field guide...i was unsuccessful at ID'ing it.
it was time to send the pic's to my friend on FB who is a Moth expert.
*Genus: Catocala. an Underwing moth!!*
time to carry a big stick...
to keep from walking face first into spiderwebs.
Crab spider |
the woods out back are a mix of Pines, Oaks, Maples...
ferns, thorny blackberries, Virginia Willow, Fetterbush...
and so many other trees and plants that i wish i could name, but i can't.
i spotted this fuzzy caterpillar dangling from a fern.
a not so lucky Tussock moth caterpillar |
upon closer was being eaten by some smaller bugs.
the forest floor is so packed with peat moss that it's spongy.
peat moss, tree roots, downed trees and lots of thorny brambles...
makes for a sometimes difficult trek.
a jelly-like fungus on a downed tree limb |
a huge yellow mushroom. at least a foot across!
sam spotted this nest, hanging from a limb on a small tree...about 5 feet off the ground.
peeking small lightly spotted egg.
we walked back out there just before dusk...hoping to see the mother bird.
we hid behind some trees...across the clearing...but it started to get too dark to see...
so we headed home.
i looked in my bird book, and think it might be a White-eyed Vireo.
they build these hanging type nests, 1-8 ft above ground...
and they like to hang out in thick brushy tangles, forest undergrowth and blackberry thickets.
grasshopper nymph...i think...anyone know for sure? |
>>>i've said before...i'm not an expert at IDing stuff...
biobabbler thinks this little guy might be a katydid nymph...
not a grasshopper. sounds good to me!! thanks! :)
Polyphemus moth cocoon |
in this same clearing where we saw the nest...we also saw some poop.
scat. full of fur...and some small bones.
i may collect owl pellets...and dissect them for bones...
but the owl pellets are coughed up...that's ok.
i don't collect ANYTHING that comes out the OTHER end...
whether it has bones in it or not!!
i just take pictures.
possibly Coyote...or maybe Gray Fox scat. |
in the early 1900' this these woods...
they collected sap from the pine trees...for the turpentine industry.
we've come across the clay collecting pots while wandering the woods before.
i get SO excited when i see a portion of a clay pot sticking out from under the leaves and peat.
i spotted another one!
it's pretty rare to find one UNbroken.
i've even glued a couple of them back together...when all the pieces can be found.
not so lucky with this one. but we collected what we could unearth.
i'll put the larger piece in one of the flower beds.
we spotted a couple of areas where the deer bed down...
where the thickets are smashed down...and smoothed out.
other evidence of the deer...
White-tailed deer pelleted scat |
we hear...and see...woodpeckers all the time.
the Pileated, Red-bellied, Red-headed...
but once in a while...we'll spot this little guy.
sorry for the blurry picture.
male Downy Woodpecker. |
part of a snake skin on the ground |
small pile o' mushrooms |
the hummingbirds are back!
we've heard them buzzing around...and seen them dive bombing each other
for nectar competition.
i haven't taken any pic's yet, but i will.
the dragonflies are showing their cute little faces too!
this is the FIRST one i've seen this year!
more fungi |
well, it's ALWAYS nice to take a break from life's hectic times.
getting outside...breathing the fresh air...smelling the scent of nature...
swatting the mosquitoes, plucking off ticks, getting bit by yellow flies.
no,'s worth it.
i could EASILY give up everything. no phone. no computer.
sell the trailer. sell everything.
but then what? it's not really feasible.
not nowadays.
you still have to have $$.
so i guess it's just a waiting game.
i hope social security still exists by the time we can retire.
i also hope i live that long.
Nature is the
great nurse for tired minds. Let her have her way with you, and all will be
~Herbert Pryke
TWO Phaon Crescent butterflies on the tiny flowers of a Fleabane weed.
stay cool & be safe.
*see you in blogland as i catch up during the week*