a good portion of this post was made possible by sam's expert eye for wildlife spotting.
sam...he's the one with the beard.
thanks sam.
"DEER ALERT! OUT FRONT" sam shouts in a whisper from the front porch.
OH. i know what that means...Grab the Camera ~ Come Quick!
otis (lower right) and the visiting deer (left) were watching each other until the deer departed...
heading toward the road...and the forest/field/mud pit across the way.
* * *
a few days before this deer sighting...
sam spotted a "big, bright orange something or other. moth? butterfly?"
grabbed camera. ran out front.
wow. cool.
a Royal Walnut Moth!!!
the Royal Walnut or Regal Moth is a very interesting moth...
besides being awesome looking!!
as an adult (like this one), they do not eat (having virtually no mouth parts). they only live for about a week. the male spends his time searching out females & mating, the female spends her life laying eggs. the caterpillars molt 4 times...finally burrowing in the dirt, where they pupae over winter.
so very cool.
* * *
been a little crazy lately.
my youngest son (30 yo)...you might remember my mentioning him before.
more than a year ago...was court ordered to a residential rehab program.
he's transitioned out of there. he's working. he's living with us until he finishes with his drug court obligations.
things are a bit topsy-turvy on the home front right now.
i...we...are hoping for the best. hoping that he continues on the path he is now travelling.
hoping he makes good choices.
i've been down this road with him before. many times.
maybe this time will be his life-changer.
anyway, i could go on and on...but enough of my personal sh....
just wanted to explain why i disappeared for a few weeks.
i've been a little scatter-brained...and trying to immerse myself into creativity when i can.
doing some bone art.
i finished that hog skull i posted here a little while ago.
i've also done a few "bone doodles"
* * *
memorial day.
every day...
honor the American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
for our freedom.
remember the fallen.
stay cool. be safe.