since i'm trying to
my time 2013...i'm not online as much.
(perhaps driving travis to the day labor place by 5:45 each morning...waiting, and then taking him to the job site...
that may have a little to do with it also, since that was my usual computer time...EARLY!)
i want to wander more.
be more creative with my hands.
take more pictures.
spend more time reading books.
here's a week crammed in to one post.
and that's a lot of cramming, i even cut it back!!
while we had the 'little climber' outside
i could hear the crows causing a ruckus.
i knew right away what they were up to.
they were trying to chase something away.
i found the same tree with a Red-shouldered hawk.
doing their best to scare the hawk away.
but he held firm.
the crows didn't win that day! yay!
i found some more bones...already pretty clean...thanks to mother nature.
and dug up some deer bones. still need to be cleaned & sanitized before i can decorate them.
the weather's been very strange. freezing one day, up to 80 the next.
the azaleas have buds, some of the lantana & blanket flower haven't stopped blooming...
and the mini daffodils are in full bloom!
i hope winter isn't gone for good. that would be depressing.
assorted fungi is still popping up too.
fuzzy-wuzzy |
mushroom colony |
and a HEART 'shroom...
or a BUTT 'shroom...
however you happen to see it!
FENCE lizard spotted in the side yard, soaking up some sun.
now let me zoom in...crop...and take a look at the iridescent blue underside!
here's a cool little spider...out back...between a couple of trees.
i've never seen one like this before!
bare with me.
no, don't have to take your clothes off...
i mean, BEAR with me!
just a couple of more things. i know, this is all a lot to absorb.
i guess if i had the time to sit and do this looong post, i could have divided it up into many
and just scheduled them to post every few days, eh?
but then i wouldn't have to time to visit your blogs in return, during the week.
just put up with me...for a another coupla minutes! thnx!
besides working with bones...and doing a little sandblasting now and then...
and making window hangers with butterfly wings...and occasionally clay mushrooms...
i want to be a better watercolorer!!
is that a word?
i want to learn to use watercolors. i love how they look. how the colors blend.
i mentioned how i want to spend more time being creative with my hands.
this past week i've been fooling around a little.
playing...with pen & watercolors.
i have A LOT to learn, i know.
this weird tree, and uh...ground spiders?? bushes?? was blowing air through straw at blob of india ink. ha. |
last but not least...
it was emo's birthday on the 6th!!
~happy birthday emo!~
here's a good shot to show how high he climbs!!
look at that loooong neck...
i remember when mine was that long...
that's it.
i'm outa here.
back on tomorrow...before dawn...for more catch up and cyber-space travels!
take care & be safe.